Archive for April, 2013

I’m Not Beautiful. And That’s Fine by Me.

Posted in Rage and rave on April 30, 2013 by soul93

Not Taken, Not Available

Two weeks ago, I got my hair trimmed, layered in the front, and blow-dried in such a way that it actually looked pretty good. I know it must have looked all right, because my grandmother, with whom I was dining that night, said, “Oh, my! Don’t you look beautiful!”

I tried unsuccessfully to brush wispy bangs out of my eye and replied with a grimace, “Take it in while you can, Grandma, because this is the last time it’s going to look this good until the next time I have to get it trimmed.”

Still, the next time I saw her, she exclaimed in disappointment, “What happened to your bangs? They looked so nice!”

I shrugged. “I went with the wash-and-wait-for-Denver’s-dry-climate-to-air-dry-it look, Grandma. And besides, they were getting in my eyes. I like ’em a lot better pulled back with the rest of this mop.”

Alas for my grandmother, who…

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Why I Hate Exams!!

Posted in Because i said so.. with tags , , , on April 29, 2013 by soul93

It is no secret. I hate exams. And i know a whole bunch of people who hate them. And what is to love?

To begin with, you can never study as you should. During exams your brain is always wandering about things of the future. And even so, if you digest a couple of things, it drifts back….back…back somewhere during the actual exam.

Now do not think that i am dull in the brain (although during the exams one does turn into a dull brained bozo) but it is true. Your brain acts as if it is not related to you in any way. And maybe it isn’t. After all you happen to be a clever nut..*sorry dear brain*

Moving on. There happen to be so many godforsaken books…books that you want to run away from..You can not sleep because you have to face these books.

Then you become dull. Oh wait i already mentioned that. Then you have to write….so much. So very much. It is hard to understand why.

You write..for what reason?? To somehow please the person who would read it? I do not understand.. Do you not get enough of pleasing most of the people…and now you have to please some more.

What lameness. And then i do not get how exams can check our cleverness or get an insight  to how well our brains work…when we know that they clearly do not.

I sound dull…so you may not agree with me, or find me weird. You know why i am dull. I just gave my final exam. They leave you hanging to nothingness. And you keep hoping that you can cling to something….anything that involves not using your brain 24/7.brain